P: (754) 216-8839 F: (855) 717-0136 Support@BrainGainsTherapy.com
Speech & Language Pathology Services
| Colorado | Florida | Washington |
All Ages
We have heard countless stories following confusing and/or intimidating IEP/IFSP meetings, and the like. We have counseled frustrated parents who were not sure who to turn to for honest answers, and individuated support. In addition, we have served families simply desperate for someone on “their team”, who is able to put a voice to their concerns.
We have extensive Special Education law knowledge and experience. If this sounds like you, we may be able to help.
Has your child’s school approached you about potential Special Education services?
Is your child on an IEP?
Do you have questions/concerns about your child's IEP?
Did your child "not qualify" for an IEP?
Do you have concerns about your child’s ability to access the school curriculum?
* Ask about our available Consulting and Special Education Advocacy services.
We provide Special Education Advocacy services in order to support our clients and families,
- up to the point of Due Process.
It is rare that our services do not result in a mutual resolution.
If your specific case warrants escalation, we are able to lend appropriate referrals.
Our network is proud to offer Payment Plans in order to expedite this process.
You. Are. Not. Alone.
Call today for honest answers and solutions.
Even if we are not a [ perfect fit ] for your needs, we will provide you with relevant literature, and immediate direction - in order for you to educate yourself on your rights, as a parent with a child receiving (public) Special Education.
* We are currently accepting School District contracts, on a limited basis.
Please send inquiries and specifics to: Support@BrainGainsTherapy.com